Thursday, February 21, 2019

30 Days Of Gratitude Day 4

#30DaysOfGratitude day 4!
Today I'm grateful for nature. <3

I've been spoiled and raised in some of the most beautiful mountains and have not always appreciated them for their full beauty.

For years the woods and leaves were a burden. But as I age I realize how magical these woods are. How beautiful each mountain truly is, and how blessed I have been to be near lakes and fresh water rather than big cities and harsh climates.

I love adventuring into the woods on my own time and being able to find new places every day in my own front yard.

I'm Kinda sad at how long it took me to realize how important it was to appreciate the nature on an even deeper level.

But I'm so honored to he blessed with mother natures beauty every day.

Not to mention the beauty of the fall leaves right now. Oh my goodness.

<3 What and where are you grateful for today?

#gratitude #nature