Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Spinin' in Circles

I feel like it was a spinnin' in circles kinda night. I made a run to our local Ollie's Bargain Outlet with a coupon I had for 10% off! I was in need of some canvas, new markers , and a COMPASS!  Awesomely enough they had this nifty little "geometry" kit that had everything I needed! 

It included a protractor , ruler, a bunch of triangles , and a MECHANICAL compass  WOOO!

I spent ALL day studying ancient geometry and practicing with my compass! I grabbed an 11x14 canvas after some practice to see what I could do with a canvas rather than paper.

I managed to get enough good circles out to make this awesome rainbow flower of life design. Now tomorrow I shall try harder and tackle some more unique designs I have in mind!

Now chillax time. and do it again.

11x14 acrylic - Flower of life design. Rainbow Acrylic

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