So after meditating some much needed stress out I decided since the full moons a coming and crystals are being cleansed by the river in sunshine and hopefully later in the moonlight. I'm going to recreate my world just as needed with the guidance of some much needed ladies in my life.
Though I feel a wild storm a brewin. Tonight is the Blood Moon - Full Moon Eclipse I hope to see it but it's lookin' cloudy. I'm going to be working late and looking for the moon.
I've been kinda M.I.A. with my work and art and self really. So I've been out in nature more and dealing with a lot of growing pains. But Changes are coming and I've been working hard at creating myself and my world. And today I spent some more time by the river.... chatting with some friends sadly via my phone I wanted to take them into the woods with me. Sometimes I need the guidance of my ladies to help set me free.

"You said get In the zone lil momma so I took ya down by the river with me anyway planted some seeds and let the cards tell ya what the needed to say. I'll do my best to follow suit and let the guides lead the way. I have faith...they generally don't lead me astray." - For a friend who helped me get grounded today when a bit frazzled.
She pulled some cards for me and told me to get in the zone... so I went and created myself a little thrown
Here were the cards she pulled for me... funny really I've been awaiting an emperreess card... and there she sits upon her thrown..

"The Empress-Past- harmony, beauty, women, planet-venus, venus represents love beauty and what we cherish, values include, indulgences, comfort and pleasure, this card can indicate, fertility, pregnancy or creative growth(id go with that one ) haha, also indicates home and luxury, its time to pampar or indulge in YOURSELF!, could indicate decoration or new clothes for beauty, alo represents a women who is a homemaker or works inside the home(your art and SHINE TIME:D) this card also shows nurturing or the motherly side of a women..
10 of cups- Present- the picture is almost self-explanatory, with a man and women and two childern dancing with rainbow overhead, indicating contentment and great happiness, could mean marriage also means a happy home and pleasant emotions, such a joy appreciation relaxation, and love go with this card
5 of Pentacles- Future- in this card two people walking pat a church in the snow, both battling elements, could be spending to much money then anticipated, perhaps on a major purchase, this card often indicates worry about money, it can suggest money loss , a different meaning for this card is insecurity the person does not feel good about themselves or feelings of low elf esteem, POSITIVE THINKING AND AFFIRMATIONS can be very helpful ( you know this) ..in the card it shows the people ignoring or walking by the church you may need to renew your faith and or find spiritual guidance...
"Over all aweome spread lady id take from this you need to get back on your path back to who you are which we both concluded just from conversation, although it does show that if you follow your path weather spiritually or faithfully you will eventually pull through with self acceptance and freedom from doubt and worry, i would be careful with your future card, watch your valuables and your spending be sure to not travel and leave any type of meaningful things where someone could mess with or take your things" - JC
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