Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Sharing some crystals at my "muggle" job

I've been feeling a bit unproductive and motivared lately as ive been working so much for other people and my own spirit driven path took a bit of a sideline.

However I'm beyond grateful that my boss of my current "reality" job is allowing me to set up some of my jewelry and items in the lunchroom!

The ladies got all excited and it gave me some much needed motivation to keep pushing along.

I also made my own crystal properties laminate that will soon be available on my website for purchase or digital download. :D  I also got my order forms started which will help when I finalize my catalog.

Looking for other companies that may be interested  in a employee appriciatation jewelry  sale. Will work with those who reach out to me to host.

I would love to start doing mini sales in places just as other companies do "parties" and such.

And crystals heal people so this would be an amazing thing to get to your family and friends.

Feel free to contact me via Facebook or email

Check out  for more items and services.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

A Little intro on Chakras

Hey guys!

I kept saying I wanted to get my video blog really rolling. So I just uploaded a little video on the Chakra systemsI had a bunch of people asking me what the chakras were even for or why
it's important to balance them. I plan to do more videos like this
explaining crystals and their uses to balance Chakras and more as well.

Take a minute and check it out . Give it a share or like if you are interested

Music Credit to Infinite Third. Find more of his music here :