Monday, August 27, 2012

Heady Wraps :) Practice makes perfect

Today's wrap is a little better than the last... Hopefully tomorrows will be even better. :)

Heres a few photos of my newest Heady Wrap.

Asking $80 ( Ended up keeping this one for myself it was special, I felt it.)
Sterling Silver Wrapped with Galvanized structure.
Includes Smokey Quartz Crystal, Clear Quartz Healing Wand Chunk, Small Purple Amethyst , Small Black Onyx

Feel free to pin this :) More support is always welcome

Feel free to pin this :) More support is always welcome

Feel free to pin this :) More support is always welcome

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Heady Wraps

A Friend and Fan Aaron aka JesusHimself Model ;)

I fell in the love with the art of Heady wraps at my first festival. They were so intricate and eye catching I couldn't help but want to learn more.
my first "accidental" Heady wrap/ Amulet
I found that they had many stones and that each have different meanings. I have recently ordered a gem set and some books to do more research in hopes to bring more of this to Shantastic soon ;) I have a few friends that are also interested in getting the meanings done.

Little had I knew I had recently created my first one already, It was my friends amulet! ( Aaron aka JesusHimself - Fire twirler) I was so excited and recieved so much great feedback that I wanted to make more! These are a few I have been playing with :D The first mostly white black and silver one is one I made special for my boyfriend <3

Boyfriends Heady Wrap- :)

 Pleaase feel free to share images on facebook or pin my blog to Pinterest. All support is welcome :D

Copper wrapped Heady Pendant, Hippie Bling by Shantastic!
Jade , Jasper, Tourmaline, Lava rock, Granite

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Shantastic 21st birthday :D - MONEY TREE!

   My family can't STAND giving someone just money. But I'm someone they really just don't know what to get. EVEN THOUGH I go through every store telling everyone this would be an awesome birthday gift or maybe this , just most of the time they can't remember exactly and they are afraid of getting the right thing. Soo, when they do give in and give money they want to do it in a super creative way.... They say this is the year of money for me... they can feel it. I sure hope so. They are pretty intuitive about things. It means a lot to me that they support me so much. 
I guess money does grow on trees :p

♥ They say its the year of the money. Oh how I hope it's true... green green everywhere :) Enough for friends and family to share....... keep it close spend it wise but more is always near, for those who don't live with fear.



Hope to share tutorials and homemade wire trees and kits :D message or contact for details