Just finished the finishing touches on the Alice hat you all seemed to love!!... added some SHINE, even though the customer couldn't afford it it HAD to have some SHINE ... it was a shine hat after all, and in wonderland!!! pfft. Makin' a video for promos. Keep your eyes open. More comin' soon
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Alice Hat ---- out just in time for the holidays
Just finished the finishing touches on the Alice hat you all seemed to love!!... added some SHINE, even though the customer couldn't afford it it HAD to have some SHINE ... it was a shine hat after all, and in wonderland!!! pfft. Makin' a video for promos. Keep your eyes open. More comin' soon
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Shine Time - BassHead 2
This piece is a custom creation for a heady customer. I am indeed pretty proud of it. I can't wait to keep creating more and more. They get a little more interesting each time!
My favorite thing about this is that it is full UV activated and I now know that Tan will be my official SHINE HAT color without a special request. It holds the glow so much nicer than other colors and is beyond easier to paint than darker tones. ALSO it's not white so dirt won't show quite as easily. :D
Research and development. What a great thing! All in time.
ALSOOO You can now watch a video of this hat in action!!!
Check it out here :
My favorite thing about this is that it is full UV activated and I now know that Tan will be my official SHINE HAT color without a special request. It holds the glow so much nicer than other colors and is beyond easier to paint than darker tones. ALSO it's not white so dirt won't show quite as easily. :D
Research and development. What a great thing! All in time.
ALSOOO You can now watch a video of this hat in action!!!
Check it out here :
Monday, September 30, 2013
I am blessed. Indeed.
Blessed be ...
Bless-ed be these eyes to see and this ray of light to me.
Let me the courage and the wisdom...
to see what needs to be.
How to find me.
In this world I needed the guides to see
the dimensions of the world
that are truly meant to be.
Thank you Universe
For choosing me.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
It seems school's keepin' me busy, but WOOO cares!
I think I shall be adding a few of these and similar to the shop this week. Doing my best to keep up and thinking of my owl ladies;)
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Love and Light... things are about to SHINE so BRIGHT
Sorry for my lack of organization. However as always in the early stages of business and bloggin' growth there are big things happening. Worlds are changing and things are growing and being created! A lot of it because I am currently growing so much myself that it's ridiculously exciting.
I'm hoping to get some organized information together and start adding more motivational topics to the blog rather than just creation updates.
It's about time I spread more than just arts and crafts and spread some Love and Light in this world. Look out tis about to get real!
I'm hoping to get some organized information together and start adding more motivational topics to the blog rather than just creation updates.
It's about time I spread more than just arts and crafts and spread some Love and Light in this world. Look out tis about to get real!

Monday, August 19, 2013
Thanks guys!
rested up from a very wild BIRTHDAY weekend. Thanks to all my friends
and family that made it one to defiantly not forget. As well as Thanks
to all of you who told me a Happy Birthday that I may not have gotten to
Special shout out to the Jahman Brahman boys for making awesome music , and staying to chat and chill. If you haven't heard them yet you should for sure check em out. Awesome buncha dudes. Thanks for making my birthday better.
Special shout out to the Jahman Brahman boys for making awesome music , and staying to chat and chill. If you haven't heard them yet you should for sure check em out. Awesome buncha dudes. Thanks for making my birthday better.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Happy Birthday to mee......
However, this weekend is a special occasion and I needed something sick to represent Shantastic Shine @ High Land Jam for my Birthday.
So here is my personal heady piece. Already got my Karma King Mafia Pin in place ready to spread the love.
I'm ready to SHINE.
Thanks for all the Birthday wishes I have already been getting in messages and random texts. You all Rock.
Feel free to CONTACT ME to request a custom SHINE HAT of your very own! I hand paint them and try to make everyone as special as possible. I am currently working on getting grassroots and flexfits. All in time.
grateful dead,
lotus flower,
shine hat,
shine on
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Custom Bass Nectar Shine hat - Glows in the dark - black light activated - Shantastic Shine
This is a custom order for Jesse S. Hat in vid is not for sale BUT YOU CAN GET YOUR OWN DESIGN MADE NOW!!!!
This hat was designed as a custom order and is a size 7 3/8 fitted hat. Get yours today on www.shantasticshine.com
Shantastic SHINE items are creations or toys that are UV or light activated or related. Shantastic Shine's new goal is to bring not only an artistic expierience but a fun colorful, and interactive one too!
Shantastic Shine is working on a line of UV actived glow wear for parties, festivals, concerts, and just plain fun! From a variety of UV Glow artwork that is not only decorative but interactive to glowing finger gloves , hats, lasers and more!
The glow will always eventually go away within minutes. It is made to last long enough to see but disappear for continuous play time.
SO MUCH MORE TO COME please check back in when you can!
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Tons of fun stuff made today! Yay!

I finished not one but TWO thick heady DOG LEASHES!
One dog leash is ina longer tan twine style and a thicker. It has a longer style loop to that you can easily put it on your shoulder like a bag to keep your furry pal near by almost hands free. The other is a shorter black thick style, which also has a larger style loop for over the shoulder use!
My other projects tonight includeda custom Stealie painting, a thicker style hemp necklace, and a natural tone circle-lock size 8 fitted hat.
I'm on a ROLL! Hope to keep it up tomorrow! Gettin' stocked up for August festies.
Sharing is caring
Monday, July 22, 2013
SHINE TIME! Fabric goodies coming your way!
This photo may be hard to see but I think I've figured it out! Check out this Shining FABRIC And they Aren't Stiff! This is a demo shining "handkerchief" But I think I can now also do Tapestries , t-shirts and SO MUCH MORE!So Coming Soon Tapestries and T-shirts! Make your Shining requests today!
Shine tapestries,
tye dye,
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Spinin' in Circles
I feel like it was a spinnin' in circles kinda night. I made a run to our local Ollie's Bargain Outlet with a coupon I had for 10% off! I was in need of some canvas, new markers , and a COMPASS! Awesomely enough they had this nifty little "geometry" kit that had everything I needed!

It included a protractor , ruler, a bunch of triangles , and a MECHANICAL compass WOOO!
I spent ALL day studying ancient geometry and practicing with my compass! I grabbed an 11x14 canvas after some practice to see what I could do with a canvas rather than paper.
I managed to get enough good circles out to make this awesome rainbow flower of life design. Now tomorrow I shall try harder and tackle some more unique designs I have in mind!
Now chillax time. and do it again.
11x14 acrylic - Flower of life design. Rainbow Acrylic
It included a protractor , ruler, a bunch of triangles , and a MECHANICAL compass WOOO!
I spent ALL day studying ancient geometry and practicing with my compass! I grabbed an 11x14 canvas after some practice to see what I could do with a canvas rather than paper.
I managed to get enough good circles out to make this awesome rainbow flower of life design. Now tomorrow I shall try harder and tackle some more unique designs I have in mind!
Now chillax time. and do it again.
11x14 acrylic - Flower of life design. Rainbow Acrylic
2nd hat is now painted ! Yay!
After a few hours of concentration it is 2:52 in the a.m. and my 2nd hat is finished.... ahh accomplishment.
NOW , it's chill time.
Then to rest up to rise tomorrow to make it shine!
The hat I just finished painting is a white flat bill. It is a fitted style size 7 1/2
The hat is originally white and was hang painted on the front and bill. Currently the "back" is splatter painted with black.
The hat is neon painted and will soon be Black light activated! (For more info on this watch the SHINE video here) I will add it to the shop in the next few days. If interested at all please let me know. I will be working on a few other designs soon too. Hoping to raise enough to purchase Interlocken festival tickets before they are sold out. So please feel free to take a peak around in the shops to help donate to my much needed festy vacation fund as well as support my starving artist dreams.
All of you who take the time to peak around at all are what makes my day better. Thanks for your time!
Now enough late night rambling. I am going to go chillax.
Until next time,
NOW , it's chill time.
Then to rest up to rise tomorrow to make it shine!
The hat I just finished painting is a white flat bill. It is a fitted style size 7 1/2
The hat is originally white and was hang painted on the front and bill. Currently the "back" is splatter painted with black.
The hat is neon painted and will soon be Black light activated! (For more info on this watch the SHINE video here) I will add it to the shop in the next few days. If interested at all please let me know. I will be working on a few other designs soon too. Hoping to raise enough to purchase Interlocken festival tickets before they are sold out. So please feel free to take a peak around in the shops to help donate to my much needed festy vacation fund as well as support my starving artist dreams.
All of you who take the time to peak around at all are what makes my day better. Thanks for your time!
Now enough late night rambling. I am going to go chillax.
Until next time,

Saturday, July 6, 2013
A package full of AWESOME!
My mailman musta loved me today I received 3 packages of awesome things! I received a box of awesome sun catchers from @Native rose crafts that I will be sharing with you one day soon! The second one was boyfriends BIRTHDAY PRESENT! which I think I was more excited for than he even was. Now he can record things with his guitars and I can hear him play them over and over, as if I didn't already have his soundtrack permently engraved in my daily life playlist haha. None the less it is super cool and I am glad to have helped him get something important to one of his talents as well.
Finally what I have been DYING to share is I also received a box of treasures from a very awesome lady named De niece. She sent me a nice assortment of glass pendants and charm bracelets!
All she wanted in exchange was a simple trade. But I have some surprises in store for her! I will be working on something special for her and her crew for a special trip they will be taking in the near future! Check in next week to see what her package is!
With all these awesome new things in my craft bag I will have to get to work on some pretty new pieces. I can't wait to share them all with you soon. Please check back in from time to time to see what I've newly created.
Until next time,
Friday, July 5, 2013
The first Shantastic SHINEhat - It glows and is UV activated!
FINALLY after tons of requests, and mentions of a "hat" design or piece of "artwork" I finally made The first Shantastic Shine Sales Hat attempt.
It is a flat bill size 7 1/4 fitted hat. The back is currently white but could be dyed/painted a solid color if requested.
HOWEVER, my next step WAS to make this bad boy or the next one GLOW/UV activated.... and guess what I DID! I can now creat ShineHats that react to the UV lasers like the Shantastic SHINE BOARDS. I am beyond excited to create a few more for the upcoming festivities I plan to attend. SHINEhats are handpainted by Shannon C. and one of a kind. They are then glazed in a thin coat of a special uv reactive paint to react with laser. These hats will glow for a few minutes in a dark place if left or worn in direct sunlight for long periods of time. This shouldn't effect the hat or design. It is based off of the same idea as the stars that children can put on their cielings to glow at night.
Now you can have your own person glow on the go!
Oh! One more thing! Did I mention I finally CREATED A VIDEO of the Shantastic SHINE in action!
It is a flat bill size 7 1/4 fitted hat. The back is currently white but could be dyed/painted a solid color if requested.
Hats are handpainted by Shannon C. |
HOWEVER, my next step WAS to make this bad boy or the next one GLOW/UV activated.... and guess what I DID! I can now creat ShineHats that react to the UV lasers like the Shantastic SHINE BOARDS. I am beyond excited to create a few more for the upcoming festivities I plan to attend. SHINEhats are handpainted by Shannon C. and one of a kind. They are then glazed in a thin coat of a special uv reactive paint to react with laser. These hats will glow for a few minutes in a dark place if left or worn in direct sunlight for long periods of time. This shouldn't effect the hat or design. It is based off of the same idea as the stars that children can put on their cielings to glow at night.
Now you can have your own person glow on the go!
What kind of hats would you like to see? Do you have any ideas or themes for me? I would love to hear some input.
Oh! One more thing! Did I mention I finally CREATED A VIDEO of the Shantastic SHINE in action!
You can check it out CLICK HERE
The website gets a LAST FOR SURE makeover!
The official homepage for ShantasticShine got it's last MAKEOVER! check it out HERE www.shantasticshine.com
It is easier to load and navigate! The store is being stocked as much as I can this weekend. It does already have the first official SHINE HAT in stock! Which I will be blogging about TOMORROW! So check back for more detail!
![]() |
www.shantasticshine.com |
It is easier to load and navigate! The store is being stocked as much as I can this weekend. It does already have the first official SHINE HAT in stock! Which I will be blogging about TOMORROW! So check back for more detail!
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
What is Etsy?
I'm updating things again! Starting with the ETSY SHOP. Are you looking to shop Shantastic Shine Sales but don't like to make "facebook transactions"? Don't forget you can also shop online via ETSY to get Shantastic Shine Creations.
WHAT IS ETSY? I have tons of people ask me this as soon as I mention it. So don't worry you aren't the only one confused. But for me and millions of other Artists it is a better version of Ebay.
Kinda like a Handmade Ebay. Where everything is vintage or handmade, or supplies to make something handmade.
There are tons of awesome items on there not from just me but thousands of other shops. It provides a secure sale for people who aren't to internet savvy or up to date on the online shopping trends. That way if you need a refund , there is a third party there to secure it , not just a facebook message.
So if you have a few moments take a peak. Warning though you may get lost for hours in awesome handmade items.
I see nothing wrong with that though ;) Support your Artists friends. They need jobs too.
Click here to check it out
WHAT IS ETSY? I have tons of people ask me this as soon as I mention it. So don't worry you aren't the only one confused. But for me and millions of other Artists it is a better version of Ebay.
Kinda like a Handmade Ebay. Where everything is vintage or handmade, or supplies to make something handmade.
There are tons of awesome items on there not from just me but thousands of other shops. It provides a secure sale for people who aren't to internet savvy or up to date on the online shopping trends. That way if you need a refund , there is a third party there to secure it , not just a facebook message.
So if you have a few moments take a peak. Warning though you may get lost for hours in awesome handmade items.
I see nothing wrong with that though ;) Support your Artists friends. They need jobs too.
Click here to check it out
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Yay! New glasses and the Sun's a shinein!
New glasses. Finally, I can see! Oh and I went shopping! Summer Dress up time! Feels good to be able to show off a bit compared to a few summers ago. Feels much cooler too. Jeans and excessive t-shirts were not comfy glad I buckled down to make "the change". Cheers to a healthy lifestyle!
***...Summertime, and the livin's Easyy.
***...Summertime, and the livin's Easyy.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Canvas and sizes
Hello lovelies,and gents.
I got my stock of canvas' today. Here is a photo for size reference.
I got my stock of canvas' today. Here is a photo for size reference.

The prices for most general requests or paintings are estimated at :
16x20 - $50
18x24: $75
and 24x30 are $100
All would include a wire hanging on the back for easy display.(upon approval)
Plus S&H fees depending on zip codes unless you are in the local area.
(Usually around $10-$15 for US)
Please don't hesitate to call me with an idea or custom request. Prices may vary on detailed pieces.
I can accept Cash/check/money order/pay pal and usually most major credit cards.
Can't wait to get started.
or check out live painting updates via FACEBOOK
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
:D Wanna help ensure you see my face at upcoming festivals?
Hello friends/fans/family/Art lovers :)
I am taking inventory through the weekend and trying to "Clear house" to not only make way for the bigger better projects I have in mind but to also help raise some last minute cash to get the rest of our summer tickets before they get any higher! (Trying to ensure our tickets for: Interlocken Music Festival Rootwire 2K13 | August 15th-18th, 2013 | Logan, OH, USA and a few others to see some of my awesome festy family.)
Also working to get some new supplies to bring you guys awesome handmade goods through out the summer, as well as 5-10 new larger style pieces of artwork with a more Shantastic Original Style to them :)
If you could do me the favor of checking out my albums on facebook to see live updated items as they are made.
or the official SHANTASTIC SHOP
Purchasing something to help me get a little closer to my goals would of course be greatly appreciated. I also throw in a little something extra for those who help when I am in a crunch. I would hope to see as many of your smiling faces there as well!♥
ALSO for most of my paintings now I can do a UV CLEAR COAT which will allow you to "draw" or "play" with laser light pens on them without effecting the design or artwork. It helps make art interactive and actually fun for HOURS of entertainment.
Please feel free to contact me for more information. :)
I am taking inventory through the weekend and trying to "Clear house" to not only make way for the bigger better projects I have in mind but to also help raise some last minute cash to get the rest of our summer tickets before they get any higher! (Trying to ensure our tickets for: Interlocken Music Festival Rootwire 2K13 | August 15th-18th, 2013 | Logan, OH, USA and a few others to see some of my awesome festy family.)
Also working to get some new supplies to bring you guys awesome handmade goods through out the summer, as well as 5-10 new larger style pieces of artwork with a more Shantastic Original Style to them :)
If you could do me the favor of checking out my albums on facebook to see live updated items as they are made.
or the official SHANTASTIC SHOP
Purchasing something to help me get a little closer to my goals would of course be greatly appreciated. I also throw in a little something extra for those who help when I am in a crunch. I would hope to see as many of your smiling faces there as well!♥
ALSO for most of my paintings now I can do a UV CLEAR COAT which will allow you to "draw" or "play" with laser light pens on them without effecting the design or artwork. It helps make art interactive and actually fun for HOURS of entertainment.
Please feel free to contact me for more information. :)
Monday, June 17, 2013
Spray Paint Art collabs with W. Willison
Please Contact @Shantastic Shine Sales for to purchase Don't be afraid to request custom colors or stealy designs
Asking $75 (with shipping)
Wire Hanging can be added for easy display if requested ( No charge)
Shipping Available
EMAIL ME TO PURCHASEshantasticinksales@gmail.com
Call me to purchase : 240/727/1648 please leave voice mail if no answer.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
totally just realized that THE FACEBOOK FRIENDS PAGE reached over 1,000
fans/friends/family! How did that happen without me even noticing???
It's at 1,117! WOW Thank you all SO MUCH!
I will be doing a Giveaway at 1,200 to celebrate.
Help me decide what to give away! As well as help grow my page!
If I get 20 likes on the linked photo facebook status the giveaway will be for a Necklace - (of my decision)
likes on the linked photo facebook status the giveaway will be for $20 towards a Shantastic Item.
If I get 50-100likes on the linked photo facebook status the giveaway will be for a Painting - (of my decision) 200+ likes ...and I will do a giveaway for all three!
So please:
SHARE THIS blog , preferably on facebook....
if you haven't already send me a friend request
and LIKE this status to get the prize(s) to be better!
The more this little page can grow the more awesome things I can offer to you beautiful people!
Help me grow a beautiful thing. Thanks for being a part of it already!
-Shan Tastic
I will be doing a Giveaway at 1,200 to celebrate.
Help me decide what to give away! As well as help grow my page!
If I get 20 likes on the linked photo facebook status the giveaway will be for a Necklace - (of my decision)
likes on the linked photo facebook status the giveaway will be for $20 towards a Shantastic Item.
If I get 50-100likes on the linked photo facebook status the giveaway will be for a Painting - (of my decision) 200+ likes ...and I will do a giveaway for all three!
So please:
SHARE THIS blog , preferably on facebook....
if you haven't already send me a friend request
and LIKE this status to get the prize(s) to be better!
The more this little page can grow the more awesome things I can offer to you beautiful people!
Help me grow a beautiful thing. Thanks for being a part of it already!
-Shan Tastic
Monday, June 3, 2013
TREE's TYE DYES now available!
![]() |
Purchase a custom tye dye or a pre-made design from the Tree's Tye Dye collections now available via Shantastic Shine.
Here are some of the newest designs:
ying yangs
peace signs
custom colors and size requests can be made. Please feel free to contact me HERE.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Lighter Lanyards
Lighter lanyards are crochet with a pouch to snugly fit a bic style lighter. They hang loosly around your neck for easy access and less chance to loose your light to someones pocket. Never loose your lighter again! (Unless you're so nice you hand it to a friend!)
Lighter lanyards currently come with one plain lighter in your choice of color. If you do not declare a color choice please note that a random lighter lanyard will be sent in your order.
Lighter lanyards are $10.00 or 2 for $15.00 includes lighter and shipping fees.
Purchase one lighter lanyard here : https://www.etsy.com/your/
Purchase the 2 for $15.00 option HERE: https://www.etsy.com/
** Get one in person @ our next fest for a discounted price
#1-Neon Mix
#2-Pastel Camo Mix
#3-Carnival Mix
#4- Purple Haze

If you would like a custom color please feel free to contact me and I will get the yarn right away for one to be made. Please allow a few days for purchase.
don't loose,
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Words can't explain the musical experience we just witness at Delfest.
In my hometown. Trey Anastasio and Jennifer Hartswick on stage with her AMAZING
voice....rocked our faces for sure. I imgined this set would change my life but not nearly as much as it did. So glad to have been a part of it in my very own hometown. Thank you Mr. Del McCury for makin' my weekend and bringing this to my home.
trey anastasio
Friday, May 10, 2013
Tree Huggers Ball
Though it was a little wet still had an amazing time at the Tree Huggers ball with family and friends. Here are some photos of our weekend at Sunshine DayDream Memorial park.
Vending with BSC Boro on Shakedown Street |
Lucky making my Diamond Stealy |
Signs soakin up the Sunshine |
The sun gets put in his place at home |
Will gettin the honor's of addin' the Sunshine to Sunshine :) |
My (Shantastic) In front of the Farm with the Welcome home sign donated to the farm family. |
tree huggers,
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