In fact, I wasn't even thrilled to be doing a Halo painting. BUT I love my little brother and he begged for something Halo themed and he LOVES those Red vs Blue Halo videos. So when I found something similar to this while searching, I figured I would give it a shot for Christmas.
Here's how it turned out :
He does pretty good at pretending it's awesome. However I found it sitting in my Grandmas kitchen on New years just chillin'. I will give him a pass because it was near his Xbox and his room is currently under some construction, but knowing my grams house it may sit in the kitchen for a while. What a random place for a Halo painting right?
It must not have been to bad because Dutch even said he liked it. He's a hard one to please sometimes painting wise!
I need to work on some more guy themed paintings. When I was in college I use to paint lots of video game characters, oh how things change!
I need to work on some more guy themed paintings. When I was in college I use to paint lots of video game characters, oh how things change!
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