I had a lot I planned to do today... Okay, maybe not I was probably just going to have a lay around and try to organize things on my tablet and get lost on pinterest kinda day.....
But that's okay I had
WAY MORE FUN!Boyfrienddd had to get a new Guitar from his new custom Guitar buddy. ( @ Ferrelton Guitars who I will be doing a post on very soon so keep a watch for more info , until then look at their website for some awesome GUITARS if you or someone you know is musical ;)
But since we had to go for the drive anyway I decided to go to Michael's to make the trip worth it on my end :D
Never pass up a chance to go craft shopping ;)
WAY MORE FUN!Boyfrienddd had to get a new Guitar from his new custom Guitar buddy. ( @ Ferrelton Guitars who I will be doing a post on very soon so keep a watch for more info , until then look at their website for some awesome GUITARS if you or someone you know is musical ;)
But since we had to go for the drive anyway I decided to go to Michael's to make the trip worth it on my end :D
Never pass up a chance to go craft shopping ;)
I had coupons , that were useable via my smartphone Or via my new tablet :D hehehehe. I was shopping smart and saving trees!
( It's a good thing too because my crappy printer is out of ink! )
I managed to use a coupon and snag a pretty awesome
Steel stamping kit!
Which I must say I am pretty pumped to try to make these Washer necklaces I found on 36th Ave via Pinterest.
I also got a TON of new artists quality acrylic paints, because well.... they were buy one get one free! So that means buy them in every color that's in stock right? ... It does when you don't live withing an hour of a craft store!
I also picked up some jewelry tid bits and a buttload of new paint brushes!
SOOOO you know what that means right?
Yeah yeah, I guess it really means it's time to clean the studio
It's play time!!!!! Also known as Studio time.... it makes me sound a little more professional :P

Oh yeah I also got this cute little Tin , it caught my eye by the register and Boyfriend said I had to have it for ....something.... So I grabbed it for a buck! I will for sure store beads and cords in it to take a project with me in my purse. I have to have something to do when I get stuck at un announced band practices ;)
Anyways back to cleaning the studio .... so that I can have fun making a huge mess with some new toys.
Have a good one!

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