Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Hello 2013!


    Lets hope I accomplish more this year than last! Though I shouldn't complain 2012 was an AWESOME year for Shantastic! It was our first full year of getting stuff going. Now to get organized and ready to go!

Time to make a list of goals I would like to accomplish. :)
  1. Organize the Facebook with  Good Albums and Updates
  2. Create a facebook group for other friends that sell goods so we can expand our circles 
  3. Create at least 100 new products 
  4. Keep the Shop updated AND the blog!
  5. Ship more items to new places
  6. Work on my PAINT THE STATES campaign and goals (More info soon!)
  7. Organize my craft studio- and keep it NICE!
  8. Organize the house - ALL the rooms so it looks like those pinterest dream homes - OR as close as I can :P
  9.  Perform 10 live paintings , in at least 3 different locations
  10. Help my Grams more , and go on more Grandma Shopping Dates! - There can never be enough!
  11. Make at least 12 new friends, one for every month :) , These can be online or around town. I just think it's a good idea to meet new people!
  12. Visit my Best friend  in Alabama.

    I may add more to this list , as the year goes as well but for now that's a pretty good start!

    What are your goals for 2013?

    Leave me some comments maybe I will join you. :)

1 comment:

  1. That's a really great list; very detailed too! It makes my list of five small things feel really small. But maybe that's my fault for not expecting so much of myself...? lol

