Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Reiki Mobile

Kinda hard to photograph with its movement of wild energy but here is my chakra and reiki mobile. It reacts to the energy around it and helps even out the crystals hanging positions and includes stones to help with the different chakras as well as provides a calming effect while watching the movement during treatments or open eye meditation.

I can't wait to make make a larger version 

Photo: Kinda hard to photograph with its movement of wild energy but here is my chakra and reiki mobile. It reacts to the energy around it and helps even out the crystals hanging positions and includes stones to help with the different chakras as well as provides a calming effect while watching the movement during treatments or open eye meditation.  

I can't wait to make make a larger version :)

Saturday, March 15, 2014


Karma queen responsibility. me help you.... we love our crew it's what we do.

KARMA KREW is gettin ready for SUMMERTIME!!!!!!

We've got stocked up on Stickers, bracelets, cards, and random goodies. PINS ARE IN PROGRESS!!! and so much more awesome coming your way!

What else would you like to see from us? We're looking to help start a Volunteer crew and get our family into festivals and a bigger name. Any information ideas or anything are welcome. Please help us grow... We want to help serve you.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Look Whoooos Done

"The old barnwood owl"
Look whoooos  finally done.  This fella took me a couple of weeks to finally bring together. I actually thought it would be a simpler project but man was I wrong!

This piece measures at about 28 inches by 38 and is made up of a couple hundred shims from old recycled canvas' from my earlier years!

He was origianlly created for a school project in my Design 2 class but after falling in love with him he is going to be the start of a series of wooden animals in this style. I'm not collecting more wooden pieces to create hopefully a wolfe , dragonfly , bear, and more... all in time though. Takes a while to collect hundreds of extra wooden bits sometimes haha!  Hope you enjoy him!