Thursday, December 27, 2012

Dishwasher Safe Ceramic Best Friend Mugs!

Dishwasher Safe Ceramic Best Friend Mugs!  So easy to MAKE yourself!

So my best friend moved from Maryland to Alabama a year or so ago. We still chat on the phone and plan visits for the holidays, so I of course had to come up with something clever to give her for Christmas. What better way to start out her day than with an I miss you bestie mug?

Alabama and Maryland Love <3

I made these for pretty cheap and they came out pretty decent for a first attempt. 

MATERIALS:Ceramic mugs
OIL BASED Paint pens
Design or logo or saying which you want to put on mugs

 For the mugs I recommend a light color unless you have metallic Oil based paint pens.

The pens need to be oil based to cure properly to the mugs.

Here is what I did:

Step One: printed out map outlines of Alabama and Maryland

Step Two: Used pencil to darkly cover the back side of the design I needed
Step Three: trace outlines with pencil createing a graphic stencil on the mugs
Step Four: Use paint pens to go over graphite outline. 
On the back of each mug it says Miss you
Step Five : Place Mugs on a cookie sheet inside the oven.


You want the mugs to heat up with the oven and cool down with the oven.

Step Six: Pre- heat the oven to 350 Degrees F.
Step Seven: Allow mugs to bake for twenty minutes.
Step Eight: Keep the mugs in the oven while it cools down to room temperature.

Once the oven is cooled down the mugs should be cool to the touch as well.

I added the Miss you to the back of each mug to remind her how much we miss her back home!
That is what I did with mine and I machine washed them once with no damage to the design. So hopefully they will stay that way.  :)

We grew up in Cumberland so I added  a little heart over her hometown too :)

Shes now in Tuscaloosa So I put a little heart where it would be on the map :)

This would be my bestie. Every Brunette needs a blonde best friend <3

To bad neither of us were smart enough to think to take a picture holding the mugs with our states like I just now thought of.... ahh maybe I can get her to bring them over before she leaves after the new year.  *Makes notes to do that*
This would be Cozmo her adorable little Fur baby that she brought from back home with her. He is such a cutie I had to share a picture of him :D


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